Create a copy of the Portal Database by either copying a version you already
made or following the instructions in the Joins 1 exercise
and create a basic data entry form for the species table. Since we would only
use this form to add new species to the table, do not include the OldCode field
in the form. Also, New Code isn’t very clear for someone entering data, so
change the label on this field to Species Code. Save this form as Species Table
Data Entry
Create a basic data entry form for the Portal surveys table. Since the
field will automatically add a new number, don’t include it in the
form. Save this form as Surveys Table Data Entry
Use this form to enter the new data for the following individual:
Month: 11
Day: 11
Year: 2011
Period: 1111
Plot: 1
Stake: 11
Species: DM
Sex: F
Age: J
Hind Foot Length: 32
Weight: 40
Tag: A112602
This is a follow up to the Forms 2 exercise
Modify your basic data entry form to prevent bad data values from being entered into your database. You can do this using the Data tab on the Property Sheet in the Design View. The following rules should apply:
field of the Species
table. If the Species
table is updated
the new values should automatically appear in the combo box.Create a report that asks the user what year they want the report for and then returns the number of individuals of each rodent species captured in each month of that year (grouped by month so that the report shows the counts for January, then the counts for February, etc.). This is the kind of report that might be provided to a government agency as a condition of conducting the research.
Some specifics:
Save this report as Monthly Trapping Report